Tag Archive: Site News

E3, a Growing Experience

I haven’t made a formal announcement about E3 yet, so here it goes. We are going to be providing coverage all week for E3, whether that be new game announcements, console announcements, memes being created by idiotic press conferences, the return of Caffeine Guy. You name it, we’ll cover it.

I do want to make one thing clear however: None of our “staff” will be in attendance at E3 this year, so all information will be coming via live-streamed press conferences or through other means. Due to this, and also the fact that we only have two people covering the event, we will likely miss some key information here and there. Also, during the week we might be only writing shorter articles and blurbs to help facilitate getting as much info to you as possible.

It is our hope that this will be a learning experience for us, as well as a way to help us understand how to properly do SDCC next month as well as next year’s E3. Hopefully in person next time!

Tell us what you want to see most, what you like that we write about, and most importantly read and enjoy. Thanks for sticking with us the last few months as we’ve grown.

A New Author Enters the Arena!

Hey, so with E3 fast approaching it seemed like the right time to welcome another member to our friendly little team: Brad Coggins, or Xanoxim as he will be known until such time as we venture out into our own site. (Soon.)

Give him the same vague and unfocused enthusiasm you all have shown Steven and I.

ConCal Site Update

Some of you may have noticed that there has been a lack of regular news updates on Constantly Calibrating over the last couple of weeks. The reasoning for this is that trying to work on my first book and summer travel plans have eaten into my schedule. Have no fear though, for regular updates will be happening for most major upcoming events such as E3 and San Diego Comic-Con. Starting this week I will also be instituting a series of new columns on the site each and every weekday. Here is a rundown of what to expect from this point out:

Mondays – Starting today I will be writing a weekly column called “Creative Day” (Seriously, if anyone has a better name for this just recommend please.) “Creative Day” will be focused on whatever random thing I feel like writing about in that moment. This week’s article will likely focus on my opinions of cruises, seeing as I’m currently on one. Then again I haven’t written it yet, so maybe my opinion will change in the next few minutes.

Tuesdays – Tuesdays will be weekly editions of “Shut Up and Take Our Money!”, which will focus mostly on Kickstarter campaigns I’m currently fond of, but may transition into any other awesome nerdy items I happen upon in my internet travels. If you see a Kickstarter you would like me to discuss you can post it here.

Wednesdays – Comics are the focus of Wednesdays. Coming up with a name for Comics is also a goal I’m working on. My wife and I started reading (rereading in my case) the Marvel Ultimate Universe of comics last week and I thought it might be interesting to write-up a combination review, commentary, rantathon each week for what we’ve read.

Thursdays – Thursdays will switch off each week to every three weeks between two columns. The first is our incredibly popular “RetroRewind”. For those not familiar, in “RetroRewind” I take a look at older games and do a bit of commentary and review. You hopefully are familiar with my Leisure Suit Larry series I did last month. If you would like to recommend a game for me to play, let me know in the comments, on Facebook, or Twitter.

All other weeks we will feature a column called “Active Play”. In “Active Play” I will simply discuss what I’m actively playing. Funny how that works. Any topic related to video games may be featured, so we’ll see what I think of for this week.

Thursdays, starting again June 7th, will continue to be the release day for new episodes of “Constantly Calibrating” hosted by myself and the lovely and talented Steven Needham.

Fridays – “A Week(ish) in News” makes its semi-triumphant return! I’m not dropping news all together, but instead moving it into a variety column of sorts for Fridays. All news related to all things nerd culture can, and will, be featured from the prior week.

That about covers the upcoming changes to Constantly Calibrating; more is still to come so stick around for news and announcements as we think of them!